qemu virtual machine manager
Install qemu virtual machine manager
sudo apt-get install virt-manager
Reboot your system after installation.
nmap for ip/hostname scan
install nmap via below command
sudo apt-get install namp
Scan IP (example)
nmap -sP
Scan Hostname
nmap -A
wireless network setting
edit /etc/network/interfaces
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
Here is an example for setting a wirless network with fixed ssid
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid my_ssid
wireless-mode Managed
Fix Network Tray Icon Missing
Install following package to fix this problem
sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete
config boot process - sysv-rc-conf
Install sysv-rc-conf
sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf
sudo sysv-rc-conf
Run it
sublime 2/3 on Ubuntu
Install Sublime2
Install Sublime3
Reduce Initramfs to speed up boot time
edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf, change MODULES=dep instead of MODULES=most
Run below command to rebuild initramfsSamba Utility
Install samba utility
sudo aptitude install cifs-utils
Example for mounting a samba folder
sudo mount -t cifs // /home/usr/files -o rw
Caching git Password
Ubuntu Enable colored Highlights in Terminal
edit .bashrc
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Ubuntu Enable Wireless Network in Terminal
Install wireless tools
sudo apt-get install wireless-tools
Enable Wireless network
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
List down all available wireless network
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
Setting up SSID
iwconfig wlan0 essid "your_ssid"
Enable DHCP
dhclient wlan0
Ubuntu 15.04 Build Single Module
Get source code from apt-get
sudo apt-get source linux-3.19.0
change directory to linux source code and type following commandscd linux-3.19.0
copy current kernel config as .config in current folder (or you can config it by typing make oldconfig)cp /boot/config-`name -r` .config
type following commands for parparationssudo make prepare
sudo make scripts
copy Modules.symvers to current foldercp /usr/src/liunx-headers-&(uname -r)/Module.symvers .
compile specified module (ex. I'd like to rebuild block module)sudo make M=drivers/block
change directory to linux source code and type following commands
copy current kernel config as .config in current folder (or you can config it by typing make oldconfig)
type following commands for parparations
copy Modules.symvers to current folder
compile specified module (ex. I'd like to rebuild block module)
Vim with ctag & taglist
Just follow below instructions to install ctags & taglist under vim.
Install vim and ctags
sudo apt-get install vim ctags vim-scripts
Install taglist via
vim-addons install taglist
Install vim and ctags
Install taglist via
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Orange - data analysis tool
Installation pip install orange3 Run orange python -m Orange.canvas
Socket Connection 節錄自筆者的Network Programming其中的資料,一般在Windows底下如果要寫網路程式多半會想到Microsoft MFC提供的相關API,而Linux底下則多使用Unix Socket來實現,這裡筆者要簡短的介紹如何使用最基礎...
system("pause") for linux 在windows底下如果不想藉由開發工具做debug時,筆者我多數使用system("pause")這個指令,但是一到了linux之後,這個指令完全無效,因為linux的termainl底...
Calling Gnuplot in C Download: callGnuPlot.c 懶惰是程式設計師的天性,所以才會創造出許多方便的程式,最近一直需要作圖分析,厭倦了Origin重複且繁複的設定,所以決定將要分析的資料使用c做分析後再由gnuplot畫出。 熟悉gnuplo...