gnome builder

Install flatpak package sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak sudo apt update sudo apt install flatpak
Install gnome builder via flatpak flatpak install --from $ flatpak run org.gnome.Builder

cx_Freeze - make python program executable

  • Intro.

  • cx_Freeze is tool for making your python program as executable program under Linux, Mac OS and Windows operating system (similar with pyinstaller) I couldn't make it work well with one of my PyQt project. pyinstaller is my top choice of this kind tools.

  • Installation

  • pip install cx_freeze
  • Get started with cx_freeze

  • simply create a under your working directory and run below command to create executable program python build For the details of, please click below link to get the reference example

pyinstaller - make python program executable

  • Installation
  • pip install pyinstaller
  • Run pyinstaller
  • switch to your program directory
    pyinstall if you get the error message of "pyinstaller: command not found", you'd need to find out the installed path of pyinstaller
    sudo find / -name pyinstaller modify ~/.profile as your environment PATH variable
    $PATH = $PATH:/my/path/to log-out and login your account, it might works now!
  • Reference

Orange - data analysis tool

Installation pip install orange3 Run orange python -m Orange.canvas